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FREE: Integrating the SEPs in Your Classes, Carolina Biological Supply Webinar Series – Data Analysis and Computational Thinking
December 9, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EST
This free event is one of four webinars in the Science & Engineering Practices (SEPs) series provided by Kristen Dotti and Carolina staff. Each webinar will address one or two of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) SEPs. Several examples will be given of how each SEP can be integrated into your curriculum through teacher modeling, teaching, and student practice for the development of mastery. All four events will be taped and provided to registrants. Continuing Education Credit is provided to registrants who attend an event. On December 8 at 4pm EDT and again on December 9 at 7pm EDT, nationally recognized education consultant Kristen Dotti will present Data Analysis and Computational Thinking, a 75-minute webinar on using mathematical concepts in science instruction. Carolina Biological is sponsoring this event in conjunction with the development of Carolina Kits 3D® Investigations, a comprehensive set of labs available now for high school biology, chemistry, earth and space science, and environmental science. All registrants will receive a recording of the presentation and a certificate for professional development. All webinar participants will receive a Data Analysis and Computational Thinking Infographic to display in their classrooms. Three webinar participants will receive free Carolina 3D® Kits.
To register for this event, copy and paste this address into a new browser tab: https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/6681071773733939215