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PLT: Fostering an Adventurous Exploration of Our World
December 19, 2021 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm EDT
Primary Team Goal: To build a strong repertoire of scientific experimentation and data analysis skills in students for mastery of performance-based assessments such as Internal Assessments (IAs) for IB, independent research, or Capstone Projects in AP and PBAT programs.
Professional Learning Teams (PLTs) differ slightly from professional learning communities you may belong to in your school setting in that PLT members come from all over the world so there is a wonderful cross-pollination of ideas and experiences representing a broad range of cultures, backgrounds, school settings, and academic programs. In addition, team members are committed to setting personal professional goals aligned with the primary goal of the PLT and are accountable for carrying out the steps they have defined to achieve those goals between meetings. Team members support one another in achieving both the primary goal of the team and the incremental personal professional goals through meeting activities, small group sharing, peer feedback, and unbridled encouragement. Do you need a professional community to implement change? If desired, team members may receive continuing education credit for producing artifacts that satisfy the primary goal of the PLT.
Where: All PLTs meet virtually via Zoom twice per month from August 2021 to May 2022. Enrollment is ongoing until October 1st, 2021 and at the discretion of the team after that date.
When: Meetings will occur every other Sunday at 8-9pm Eastern Daylight Time from August 2021 to May 2022 for a total of 20 sessions. Meeting dates: Aug 15, 29, Sept 12, 26, Oct 10, 24, Nov 7, 21, Dec 5, 19, dates Jan-May TBD.
PD Fee: $400 for the 2021-22 school year
If you would like to join this Professional Learning Team, please register on the Professional Learning Team page by clicking this link or by sending an email to kristen.dotti@catalystlearningcurricula.com