Whether you are an AP Biology teacher or you are simply looking for techniques to teach graphing, you’re in the right place! We teachers aren’t inexhaustible wells of knowledge…we need support and training too!

At Catalyst Learning Curricula, I offer workshops for teachers to provide you with practical training drawn from years of experience teaching biology and math.
Enjoy the workshops below! If you are running short on time, don’t worry. These videos aren’t going anywhere. Besides, you might get tired of hearing me talk for hours 🙂
If you benefit from these free professional development workshops, click here to view our upcoming events.
DataClassroom Online Workshops
Catalyst Learning Curricula works in conjunction with DataClassroom to provide training on integrating statistics into science. These free online workshops on this page were hosted by DataClassroom, and I use their online graphing and data analysis tools in the tutorials. If you are unfamiliar with DataClassroom, click here to learn more.
Choosing the Best Error Bars to Use on a Graph
Improving IA Scores for Group 4 IB Courses
Teaching Students to Graph Without Using Additional Class Time
Professional Development with Carolina Biological
In addition to partnering with DataClassroom, Catalyst Learning Curricula partners with Carolina Biological to provide professional development workshops for teachers on various topics. Click here to watch our Integrating Science & Engineering Practices webinar series.

For more STEM education tips, project-based learning ideas, and classroom hacks, check out our blog!
I hope to see you in one of our upcoming teacher workshops. You can skim the list below to find a workshop that fits your schedule, or view our workshop calendar.