Standards and Assessments
Workshop Series: Standards and Assessments
Curriculum Development: Planning Phenomenon-driven Units for NGSS Science Classes
The goal of this 1.5 hr. workshop is to help teachers develop a unit that uses inquiry to drive the exploration of a process or phenomenon. Participants will learn a repeatable structure for writing phenomenon-driven lessons that incorporate the three dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards: Scientific and Engineering Practices, Cross-cutting Concepts, and Discipline Core Ideas. Time in the session will be spent considering engaging phenomena and linking together the hands-on activities and process of inquiry that teachers will use to guide students in a novel exploration. An outline of a unit will be produced so participants are familiar with the process from beginning to end for a topic that is applicable to their class.
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Workshop Series: Approaches to Learning | Standards and Assessments
Process Portfolios to Document Thinking and Learning
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Upcoming Live Workshops
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Workshop Series: Approaches to Learning | Standards and Assessments
Writing Easy-to-Use Rubrics
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Upcoming Live Workshops
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Workshop Series: Approaches to Learning | Standards and Assessments
Helping Students Give Kind and Useful Critical Feedback
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Upcoming Live Workshops
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Workshop Series: Approaches to Learning | Standards and Assessments
Offering Choice Menus for Differentiated Assessment
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Upcoming Live Workshops
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Workshop Series: Approaches to Learning | Standards and Assessments
Creating a Continuous Cycle of Inquiry in Your Course
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Upcoming Live Workshops
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Workshop Series: Approaches to Learning | Standards and Assessments
Vertical Team Planning for a Reduced Syllabus in Science
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Upcoming Live Workshops
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Workshop Series: Approaches to Learning | Standards and Assessments
Incorporating Critical Thinking and Differentiation into Project-based Learning Outcomes
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Upcoming Live Workshops
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Workshop Series: Approaches to Learning | Standards and Assessments
Encouraging Risk-taking to Advance Critical Thinking
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Upcoming Live Workshops
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Workshop Series: Approaches to Learning | Standards and Assessments
How to Build Inclusion, Differentiation, and Autonomy into Your Curriculum
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Upcoming Live Workshops
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Workshop Series: Approaches to Learning | Standards and Assessments
Developing and Using Models Part 1
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Workshop Series: Approaches to Learning | Standards and Assessments
Developing and Using Models Part 2
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